Thompson Rod and Gun
Becoming a member at TRG
If you are interested in becoming a member of the Thompson Rod and Gun club you must be a minimum of 18 years of age and of good moral character,and in possession of a current hunting or fishing license.
You may obtain an application from the club and complete it in full with the sponsorship of Two current members in good standing. When membership becomes available, we will ask that you come before the board of directors for review of your application with your sponsor and will ask that you provide a non- refundable initiation fee and the annual dues at that time. If an applicant is accepted, they will be subjected to a probationary period, during which time they will be judged on interest shown in the club ect. After the probationary period the applicant will again be seen by the board for their final decision on accepting the applicant.
15Hrs minimum of service are required each year as well as annual dues
Copyright @ Thompson Rod and Gun. All rights reserved.